Krissy in the Kitchen

bakin', cup-cakin', and good food makin!

Pie Season: Buttermilk Pie October 15, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — krissyq @ 9:16 am

It’s October.  There is a chill in the air (FINALLY…) and that can only mean one thing: Fall, the perfect baking season.  Fall is the perfect time to bake any assortment of confectionery creations, but this fall i am on a mission.  My partner has never liked pie, and i am hell bent on changing that.

In fairness to my partner, it’s not that he disliked pie, but he’s never been very fond of it.  As a result, he has felt ashamed at many a holiday feast, mumbling a quiet “no thanks” while everyone else at the table dives into flaky crusts filled with fruits and custards galore.  So really, i’m trying to help him here.  This is charity, folks.

I decided the best course of action was to try some pies he has not tried, then ease our way into re-trying pies.  So i decided to bake outside of the box.

Yesterday morning I made a buttermilk pie.  If you’re from the northeast like me, you may be wondering, “what the hell is a buttermilk pie?”.  I wondered the same thing.  Until i made it.  Then i wondered “why the hell have i been deprived MY WHOLE LIFE of buttermilk pie?!”  Mom?  Care to comment?

As it turns out, buttermilk pie is a very popular southern dessert.  As we are not southerners, mom, i forgive you.  This pie is so simple to make.  You can use a pre-made pie crust, although i made one from scratch.  I used the recipe from Joy the Baker (see favorite things).  Honestly?  I could take or leave the blackberry sauce.  The pie was just that good.

Start with an uber delicious, thick and moist buttermilk crust

Mix eggs, some flour, sugar, vanilla, and buttermilk (O’COURSE!)

Pour delicious custardy goodness into your pie crust and bake and…

VOILA!  Simple.  Easy.  Yum.


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