Krissy in the Kitchen

bakin', cup-cakin', and good food makin!

Mexican Hot Chocolate Cupcakes (Round One) November 8, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — krissyq @ 9:57 pm

So I’m shaking things up.  Thinking outside the box.  Coloring outside the lines… and so on and so forth.  I’m still not sure how I feel about these little guys, but the process was fun, and i want to keep tweaking the recipe until I’m satisfied.  I think they were good, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t know if they had the “wow!” factor I was really going for…

Am I a total Debbie Downer today?  It must be Monday.



Montana Lesson Number Three: All things bread. November 5, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — krissyq @ 8:50 am

These are my sister’s hands.  When I went out to visit her, she was in the midst of what looked like a scientific experiment, right there in her kitchen.  She was making a bread starter for sourdough bread.  I must admit, it looked pretty gross.  But when I got through gagging and she explained to me what was going on, it was actually pretty interesting.  Until she made me smell it.  Then I started gagging again.

So here’s what I’m thinking.  I’d like to know more about bread baking.  My sister seems to know a lot about bread baking.  And she’s a scientist, so she knows a lot about the science behind bread baking.  I’m thinking, bread baking guest blog entry(ies)?  Meg, interested?

Smelly bread starter goop.

 P.S.  This weekend… cupcakes!


Montana Recap (Part Two) November 4, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — krissyq @ 11:59 am

This is Robert.  Robert runs an awesome doughnut shop in Bozeman, Montana called Granny’s Donuts.  Robert’s donuts are gormet, and crazy good.

Robert let me help make donuts.  He let me put a tray into the kettle, he let me flip them, and then he let me pull them up.  He let me make a special doughnut using his pastry gun.  The he gave me a cookbook to bring home.  Needless to say, Robert brought my trip to the next level of awesome.



Montana Recap (Part One) November 3, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — krissyq @ 9:45 am
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I’m jet lagged.  I set my alarm this morning for 6:02 am, which by my body’s clock, aka Montana time, is 4:02 am.  So bear with me.

One of the (MANY) reasons I was so super excited to go to Montana was not on only to see my sister, but to cook with her.  We enjoy cooking together, and because we are going on a super sweet vacation over the holidays this year, we will not be cooking.  So to compensate, we made some pretty awesome Poached Pear Puff Tarts.
